Best Ways To Improve Your Grades

 I am often asked for my advice on how students can get better grades. And after a couple of years of refining my ideas, I have develop  these 10 tips. And by the way, these tips will work for you -- whether you 

are in School life ,College Life or in  university. These tips are universal.

So, if you are struggling with grades and interested in raised your grade point average then you should follow these steps:

1. Attend All Your Classes.

2. Make a study schedule.

3. Use the Textbook.

4. Follow Good Rules of Writing.

5. Listen and participate in class.

6. Study in the places that you feel comfortable in(Avoid CellPhones,Gadgets etc).

7. Take care of your health.

8. Sleep well.

9. Stay fit.

10.Take a 15-minute break after each 45 minutes of studying.


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