Jews Entering In Arabs

 As Israel visiting  To UAE, They See A New Model: Peace Deals Without Giving Ground

Israels are visiting Dubai in the tens of thousands. Where in the past, they could only arrive as 

 spies, competitive athletes or foreign passport holders, now they are loud and proud.

This new view is inspired by an alternative peace precept  their conservative

 PM Benjamin Netanyahu has promoted: "peace for peace," a rejection of the traditional paradigm of land for peace.

"Is that not peace?" Israeli investor Simcha Fulda say at a hotel in Dubai, after he held 

business meetings with Emirati investors. "This is a model of how the peace needs to be with the Palestinians.

 Mutual respect and acceptance . looking forward to doing business together and living together."

Israel and the United Arab Emirates have promoted their U.S.-brokered deal for diplomatic relations as an 

historic peace deal, after decades in which Israel was off the beaten track

from many Arab nations.


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