Trudeau to quarantine arriving travellers

 Trudeau to quarantine arriving travellers

The Government of Canada has put in place emergency measures to slow the introduction and spread 

of COVID-19 in Canada. You must quarantine for 14 days, provide contact information and monitor yourself

for signs and symptoms as required by the Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in Canada Order.

Those with negative test results will then be able to isolated at home under significantly 

increased surveillance and enforcement.

He said the measured will be take effect in the coming weeks.

Trudeau also said the government and Canada’s main airlines have agreed to suspended services to 

sun destinations right away. He said Air Canada, WestJet, Sunwing, and Air Transat are cancel air service 

to all Caribbean destinations and Mexico starting Sunday until April 30.

“They will be making arrangements with their customers who are currently on a trips in these regions to 

organised  their return flights


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