We'll not left Palestine at any cost :WAR

 Residents of Palestinian village rebuild for third time as Israel looks to gain control

There are dirt plots where there used to be makeshift homes; tent poles stacked like firewood; fencing and 

scrap metal scattered across a desert valley greened by winter rain; a cold fire pit and a pile of kitchen essentials 

where a cooking tent once stood.

This is what remains of the herding community of Khirbet Humsu in the occupied West Bank after Israeli forces 

demolished it for the third time in as many months. On Wednesday, just minutes after the army left, Palestinian 

residents were at work 

repairing their fences hoping to gather their sheep before dark, knowing the army might return the next day.

"Israel is able to destroy everything but it can’t defeat the will of the Palestinians. We'll rebuild whatever Israel demolishes"

Area C makes up 60 percent of the occupied West Bank. Under the Oslo Accords, control of this area was supposed to be gradually 

handed over to the PA. Instead, Israel retains total control until today.

Fifty years have passed since Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and the WestBank, including East Jerusalem; five decades of 

de-development, suppressed human potential and denial of the right to development, with

an economy incapable of employing one third of its workforce


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