Kim Kardashian slams body shaming

 Kim Kardashian is opening up about how body shaming during her first pregnancy deeply affected her.

The mom of four, 40, wrote a lengthy message on her Instagram Story reflecting on internet and tabloid scrutiny of her body while she was pregnant with her daughter North, who is now 7½. Kardashian says the jokes and critiques of her figure were "very traumatizing and it can really break even the strongest person."

"I gained 60 lbs and delivered almost 6 weeks early and I cried every single day over what was happening to my body mainly from the pressures of being constantly compared to what society considered a healthy pregnant person should look like...," she writes.

Kardashian says she felt "so insecure" at the time, adding that she "had this fear of wondering if I would ever get my pre baby body back." She said the attention grew to the point that she says she "couldn't leave the house for months after."

"It really broke me," she adds.


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