Rosie Gabrielle has been exploring the world alone on her bike.

 Rosie Gabrielle has been exploring the world alone on her bike.

A Canadian youngster by the name of Rosie Gabrielle has been exploring the world alone on her bike.

The motorcyclist, who quit her job two years ago to live her dream of riding solo, has been documenting her visit on her social media pages.

Her journey has brought her to Pakistan, where she is currently enjoying local cuisine and hospitality, so much so that she has labelled it “amazing and safe country.”

"Everyone told me it was too dangerous to come to Pakistan as a single female, let alone ride a motorcycle across the country. I can tell you firsthand what it’s like to travel Pakistan as a solo female and what I’ve experienced so far,” she began.

Countless smiles and cheers of joy as I pass people and they realize it’s a female riding. Numerous offers to stay in local homes wherever I stop. Families are always inviting me to stay with them.

Food, food and more food! Wherever I go, I’m offered to eat wonderful home-cooked food or offered gifts of food from street vendors as I pass by.

She spent a considerable amount of time last year in Pakistan, announced that she had converted to Islam.

She concluded, "Like all religions, there are many interpretations. But, the core of it, the true meaning of Islam, is PEACE, LOVE and ONENESS. It’s not a religion, but a way of life. The life of humanity, humility and Love.



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